segunda-feira, 19 de julho de 2010


Today, well yesterday (it’s past midnight), I woke up late! It’s my day off after all. I had breakfast cleaned up my room and turned on the pc just to check on facebook and I saw this:


My first thought was “No way!” the second was “I can’t believe this!” the third was “Bitch!” (sorry) and it went on an on till I calmed down and thought to myself: “Marta, one day it will be you! And you’ll look like a real hogwarts student!”.

So my dear cousin, now you won’t get rid of me easily!  Now you’ll have to take me there and to Disney world or I’ll kill you! (I won’t, I’m really pacific, just can’t control myself, I’m in too much chock)

And prepare yourself ‘cause once I’m there it will be hard to take me out!





P.s.: I’m writing in English so Courtney doesn’t have to translate it all.

11 comentários:

  1. please please please take me with u :D

  2. Traduziste no Google Tradutor? =P

  3. Duvidei da tua capacidade linguística. Fiquei impressionado =P

    (no bom sentido, martinha**)

  4. se a ouvires a falar, zacarias, parece que tás a falar com uma inglesa de gema

  5. *.*
    Muito orgulhosa do meu accent! xD

  6. Orgulhosa do teu acento? Mas Marta não leva acento...

    Poltrona nova?

  7. Mas tu precisas de tradução?! O.o
    Nunca pensei... xD
